Darumbal Cultural Awareness Workshop

About the event

When: Thursday 23 June 2022
Time: 10am – 4pm (start time to be confirmed closer to the date)
Where: Darumbal Enterprises – Rockhampton

This free workshop will offer participants an opportunity to engage in activities, learn the importance of cultural practices, hear Darumbal people’s personal stories and share experiences.

Lunch is provided and numbers are limited


This full day workshop begins with a smoking ceremony and welcome to country by a respected Darumbal Elder.

Topics will include:

▪ Darumbal country
▪ Past and current Darumbal cultural practices
▪ Darumbal life before European contact
▪ Darumbal social organisation
▪ Contemporary Darumbal community
▪ Darumbal language and storytelling
▪ Darumbal healing practices
▪ Corroboree, Art, Dreamtime
▪ The relationship to country and needs of Darumbal people
▪ Native title and cultural heritage

This workshop was supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a partnership between the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. 

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