

Billy Missi’n Wakain Thamai

Museums & Galleries Queensland is seeking expressions of interest for a new touring exhibition, titled Billy Missi’n Wakain Thamai, in partnership with NorthSite Contemporary Arts, Cairns.


Contemporary Collecting Workshop

M&G QLD is running a free Contemporary Collecting workshop in June 2023 in the following local government areas: Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Southern Downs.

museum gallery

State Library Queensland

Founded in 1896, State Library of Queensland is the leading reference and research library in Queensland.

museum gallery

Landsborough Museum

The Landsborough Museum is possibly one of only a few museums that are housed within an original shire building. Changing exhibitions celebrate important events that inspired or had significant impact on the region.

consultant supplier

Sophie Lieberman Consulting

Sophie Lieberman Consulting provides strategic and creative thinking that builds impact and delivers public value.
Review Site
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