Tasia Duske, CEO, Museum Hack presenting ‘Museum Hack: Redefining the Museum Experience’ at M&G QLD’s 2019 State Conference, ‘Opening Doors’, Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns, 2019.

About us

Museums & Galleries Queensland (M&G QLD) is the peak professional body for the public museum and gallery sector in Queensland.

USE exhibition opening at Noosa Regional Gallery, 2019. Photo: M&G QLD.

Our purpose and vision

To advance, support and provide services to foster understanding, knowledge and excellence in museums, galleries and keeping places. 

To ensure a future where museums, galleries and keeping places are relevant, accessible and valued by their communities. 

Dr Greer Honeywill presenting at the M&G QLD & UQAM Seminar, Perspectives on Contemporary Sculpture, 2019. Photo: Roger Phillips, Profile Photographics, courtesy of M&G QLD.

What we do

We provide a range of programs and services in the areas of Sector Development; Training and Professional Development; Exhibition Development and Touring; Information and Communication Services; and promote the achievements of Queensland public galleries and museums.  

M&G QLD visit to The Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology, Caboolture, 2020. Photo: M&G QLD.

Partners and supporters

Our two Company members are Public Galleries Queensland and AMaGA Queensland. 

Become a member of PGQ
Become a member of AMaGA

M&G QLD is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. M&G QLD is also supported by the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation and receives funds from Creative Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund.

Cultural Trivia at Outer Space Gallery, Brisbane, 2019. Photo: M&G QLD.


M&G QLD is a non-profit company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. 

Donate now


of program participants/ attendees have rated the quality of our work as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’ since 2017.


visitors have engaged with our touring exhibitions since 2004.


organisations have taken part in our Standards Review Program since 2005.


training and professional development activities have been delivered across Queensland since 2005.


Queensland organisations and individuals have been celebrated as ‘Winners’ and ‘Finalists’ at M&G QLD’s Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards since 2004.


industry enquiries have been answered by M&G QLD Staff since 2004.

M&G QLD annual reports

Review Site
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