USE featured works by seventeen artists from the Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Queensland, who were invited to respond to a thematic premise focused on tools and processes.
About the exhibition
The works selected for inclusion in USE were juried by a curatorial panel comprised of Claire Sourgnes, CEO of Artisan; Barbara Heath, Jeweller to the Lost; and Liam Bryan-Brown (formerly Lisa), the exhibition’s Curator, and demonstrate intriguing and diverse interpretations of the theme.
USE explores the conceptual breadth and layers of meaning that operate within this premise for jewellery practitioners and metalsmiths. It is the use of tools that defines the field of creative practice that this exhibition celebrates.
Helen Bird, Jac Dyson, Lois Hayes, Catherine Hunter, Alicia Lane, Catherine Large, Samuel Lintern, Andy Lowrie, Nellie Peoples, Clare Poppi, Kierra-Jay Power, Paola Raggo, Elizabeth Shaw, Katie Stormonth, Rebecca Ward, Helen Wyatt, Xiaohui Yang.
USE: Artist and Curator Interviews
USE: Curator and Artist Talk
Tour dates
USE was a touring exhibition in partnership between Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia (Queensland Chapter) Inc. and Museums & Galleries Queensland. This project was supported by the Visions regional touring program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to cultural material for all Australians; the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland; the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body; Liveworm Studio; and the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.
Exhibition Development & Touring
Museums & Galleries Queensland