Museum Skills Workshops:
Significance Assessment

About the event

A display of farming tools and implements
Kingaroy Heritage Museum display. Courtesy of M&G QLD.

Date: 24 October 2020
Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum

Full-day workshop with Dr Melanie Piddocke, Museum Development Officer – Central Queensland, Queensland Museum Network.

In this workshop, participants heard how ‘significance’ is used to define the meanings and value of collection items through research and analysis.

Topics covered include:

  • An introduction to Significance 2.0
  • Significance criteria and how to use them to assess an object or collection
  • Using significance to manage collections
  • What to expect from a significance assessment

About Melanie Piddocke

Melanie is the Museum Development Officer for Central Queensland, for the Queensland Museum Network, a position she has held since 2014. In this role Melanie works with a wide range of organisations, communities, and collections across the Central Queensland region.

Prior to her current role, Melanie managed the James Cook Museum in Cooktown, a position which she took up after returning to Australia in 2011, having completed a PhD at the University of Edinburgh. While in Scotland, Melanie also gained valuable collection management experience as an Assistant Curator of the Shackleton Collection, part of the Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments.


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Office for the Arts Government logo
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National Museum of Australia logo

The Community Heritage Grants program is funded by the Australian Government through the National Library of Australia; the Ministry for the Arts; the National Archives of Australia; the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum of Australia.

Thank you to Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum for supporting the workshop by providing the venue.


Training & Professional Development team

Museums & Galleries Queensland

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