Photo: Raw Pixel. Courtesy of Unsplash.

Audience development & engagement

Use these resources to learn how your organisation can meaningfully engage your audience and further your outreach.

Visitor research & development

How to conduct audience research 

This handbook is for people working in the visual arts who are engaged with developing audiences in Australia’s regional art galleries and who would like to expand their viewers’ experience of contemporary art. By Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Audience research toolkit 

This toolkit by Creative Victoria allows you to find tools that match your resources and skill level.

Topics include: understand your audience; build new audiences; set up surveys and consultations; analyse and report results; work with your stakeholders; ensure best practice research.

Visitor Research Made Easy

Visitor Research Made Easy is a step-by-step approach to enable museums, galleries and cultural organisations to select the most appropriate techniques to develop insight into both existing and potential visitors. Written by Sharron Dickman, initiated by Arts Victoria.

Who is your audience?

Understanding your visitors – and who you’d like to attract – is essential: who they are, where do they come from, their likes and dislikes. This can help you build a stronger museum that appeals to more people. By Museums Galleries Scotland, UK.  

Art? Art! Art.. an audience development handbook for public art galleries and museums

Written by Dr. Jane Deeth and Tracey Cockburn, this handbook is for people working in the visual arts who are engaged with developing audiences in Australia’s regional art galleries and who would like to expand their viewers’ experience of contemporary art.  

Measuring socially engaged practice: a toolkit for museums

This toolkit is a useful summary of their learning from the many and varied projects they’ve supported. By Museums Association, UK.  

Taking out the guesswork: a guide to using research to build arts audiences 

This guidebook was developed out of strong evidence that audience research can strengthen audience-building initiatives by helping institutions understand how to build meaningful connections with different groups. Published by The Wallace Foundation, 2015.  

How to attract new museum audiences 

The following resource is drawn from the workshop Community, Collaboration, Change – presented by Rebecca Jones as part of the 2015 Standards Program. The workshop focused on attracting new visitors and recruiting museum volunteers. By Museums & Galleries of NSW. 

Guess who’s going to the gallery? Queensland report 

This report is a strategic audience evaluation and development study for Queensland Galleries. Report published by Museums & Galleries Queensland, 2013.  

Oral History instructional video

Learn how to capture oral histories with an instructional video developed by AMaGA Victoria as part of the Veterans Heritage Project.

Public programs & community engagement

Collaborating with regional communities

These guidelines and tools are to assist those working in regional communities to achieve a more rewarding level of involvement in cultural activities. By Regional Arts Australia.

Art for everyone: approaches to inclusive practice in arts and mental health 

This workbook is for people and organisations who wish to develop inclusive art programs in a meaningful and respectful way. Published by Access Art Victoria, 2017.  

How to develop a public program

This guide is to help you devise public programs in a way which is driven by data about your existing and potential audiences, furthers the vision of the organisation and makes a genuine difference to visitors’ lives. Designed by Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Significant Events – a museums & galleries training program

This resource was developed in 2000 and 2001 to enable museums and galleries to fully develop and effectively market exhibitions and projects highlighting the Centenary of Federation in 2001. 

The publication still provides a useful model for those wishing to link future exhibitions and events to key dates. It includes practical frameworks and tools to assist in developing displays, exhibitions, and interpretive programs for significant events; and marketing and event management of projects for significant events. Published by Museums Australia (Qld) and Regional Galleries Association of Queensland, 2001.

Community issue exhibition toolkit

This toolkit explains how to co-create an exhibition with your community so people can take action on an issue that matters. By Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, USA.  

Behind closed doors 

Uncover a wealth of ideas, tips and resources with this mini toolkit to help your museum improve access to its stored collections. By Heritage Insider, UK.  

Children & curriculum

Kids in Museums manifesto

A set of simple guidelines for museums created with children, young people and families. It sets out what they feel makes a museum a great place to visit. By Kids in Museums, UK. 

How to engage with young people 

This guide is designed to help you engage young people in your museum or gallery. The guide is applicable to all programs regardless of scale; from one-off artist workshops and school visits to longer engagements such as youth committees, teen nights or art shows. By Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Toolkit for working with young people in museums 

This toolkit shows how museums can provide young adults with positive, personal, cultural and learning experiences, develop their creativity and improve their life skills. By National Museums Scotland, UK.  

Autism in museums: welcoming families and young people

Tips on how your organisation can become more accessible and welcoming to families and young people with autism. By Kids in Museums, UK. 

History skills

This unit consists of both teacher support materials and resources for students relevant to the development of skills in Years 9 and 10. By Museums Victoria.  

Building the future of education 

Published by Center for the Future of Museums, USA, 2014. 

Deadly Learning – Monash University Museum of Art
Deadly Learning is designed to help art teachers and school students see the world from the point of view of some of Australia’s leading contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. The starting points for discussion and practical learning activities within this resource provide opportunities for students to learn as both viewer and artist.

Marketing & social media

Social media guidelines 

The main objective of these guidelines is: to provide the basic tools to create effective social media campaigns; to help you create and use compelling content; and to share tips on how to monitor platforms in the most time-efficient ways. Guidelines by International Council of Museums (ICOM), 2019.  

Accessible social media

This resource, produced by Accessible Arts introduces various techniques to increase the accessibility of your social media content. Updated 2021.

How to promote an upcoming exhibition 

This resource was written by publicity consultant Patrizia Di Biase-Dyson as part of Museums & Galleries of NSW’s Engaging Art initiative.  

How to: Free PR for your museum

This article includes a few tips from Museum Hack, USA for pitching your museum.  

3 ways your museum should be using Instagram 

Instagram is a visual platform that’s perfect for museums to engage with their customers. This article by Museum Hack, USA tells you why and how.

Google digital garage 

These free online courses by Google offer a range of learning content designed to help grow your business. Topics include digital marketing, data and tech, and career development. 

Further assistance

M&G QLD Consultant & Supplier Register 

M&G QLD’s Consultant and Supplier Register is a comprehensive list of museum and gallery sector specialists, both Queensland-based and nationally.  


Find related funding in our Grants & Philanthropic funding resource.

Resources are correct at time of publishing. Is there a resource that should be on this page? Let us know.


Ben O’Dwyer

Information Officer, Museums & Galleries Queensland

Unidentified. 'Rowing on Flood Waters in Albert Street, Brisbane, during the 1890 Flood'. APO-17 Photograph Album of Brisbane Views, 1860-1903. Web.

Disaster preparedness & recovery

Use these disaster preparedness resources to learn how to protect and salvage your precious collections from Queensland’s natural disasters.

Disaster planning and response

AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar

With the continuing threat of natural disasters across Australia, the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) has produced a Disaster Preparedness Calendar for 2022.

The calendar aims to assist cultural organisations in identifying seasonal risks to their collections and planning activities to reduce risks across the year.

Download your own copy now:

Be prepared: guidelines for small museums for writing a disaster preparedness plan

This publication provides guidelines to enable the museum sector to write useful disaster preparedness plans. A Heritage Collections Council Project undertaken by Söderlund Consulting, produced as part of the National Conservation and Preservation Strategy, 2000.

All is not lost: the collection recovery book

This book is for museums, historical societies and anyone who has items that have been affected by disaster. This book provides quick, basic instructions on salvaging materials damaged by water, fire or impact. Published by the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, NSW, 2017.

Endangered heritage: emergency evacuation of heritage collections 

Built upon years of experience and real-life situations, this publication offers a field-tested, simple workflow for the emergency evacuation of valuable objects that is easy to replicate in any context. Published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2016.  

Disaster planning for large collections 

This counter disaster plan template can be easily tailored by your organisation. By the State Library of Queensland, last revised 2016. 

Disaster Management for Libraries and Cultural Collections

This guide provides information about how to safeguard library or cultural collections in the event of a disaster. The Guide (Part One) gives an overview and context for the Disaster Plan. The Template (Part Two) has been flexibly designed for your library or cultural institution to develop its own collections Disaster Plan. By Australian Library and Information Association, last revised 2019.

Counter-disaster planning 

This information will help you to understand the need to access the extent of a disaster, and quickly assemble the resources you need to deal with it. By reCollections (page 57).  

Disaster planning and response 

These instructional videos will inform you on how to develop and implement an effective disaster plan in an emergency situation. By Northeast Museum Services Center, National Park Service, USA, 2011.  

Birdie’s Tree natural disaster resilience resources

Developed by Children’s Queensland Health, these resources are designed to help children and families build emotional resilience to cope with and recover from natural disasters.


Bushfires: protect your precious possessions

This document contains information on bushfire preparation, response and salvaging of possessions. By the Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne, 2003. 

After a fire: how can you salvage your family’s precious belongings? 

This printable brochure contains quick tips on what to do after a fire, a checklist of what you will need, general handling advice and cleaning instructions. By the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material, 2009. 

Fire damaged memorabilia: advice for bushfire victims 

These guidelines provide detailed information about salvaging procedures on a variety of materials. By the Australian War Memorial.  

First aid for fire damaged video tapes and audio materials 

All audiovisual media are sensitive to heat and water but may be possible to salvage when exposed to fire. These documents explain what materials can be salvaged and how to clean them. By the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.  


After a flood: how can you salvage precious belongings?

This printable brochure contains quick tips on what to do after a flood, a checklist of what you will need, general handling advice and salvaging instructions. By the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material, 2011. 

Disasters part one and two: how to recover a flood-damaged collection 

These videos, by the State Library of Queensland, demonstrate how to plan to salvage your collection and the first steps to cleaning paper-based collections.  

Emergency recovery of water damaged collections 

Helpful tips for the initial salvage of collections affected by water. By the State Library of Queensland. 

Salvaging water damaged collections 

Steps to salvage water damaged paper, book, photographic, and audiovisual collections. By the State Library of Queensland. 

Freezing water damaged collections 

Freezing can be used to buy time when treating water damaged collections. By the State Library of Queensland. 

Recovering flood damaged records 

This information provides advice on preparing your work area, priorities of salvaging and drying procedures for saving records from further damage. By the National Archives of Australia.  

Salvaging water damaged collections 

These videos show how to salvage a number of materials such as textiles, furniture and wood, photographs, books, and documents and leaflets. By Preservation Australia, 2011.  

Recovering audiovisual treasures from flood damage 

This information gives the do’s and don’ts of salvaging audiovisual material after flood damage. By the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.  


Dealing with mould

Mould can be dangerous to people as well as collections. This guide will help you prevent mould and treat mould affected collections. By the State Library of Queensland.  


This video shows techniques such as freezing, object isolation, and brush vacuuming to help treat a mould outbreak. By the Western Australian Museum. 

How do I clean mould off objects?  

This information describes how to lessen mould growth with good airflow techniques and how to remove mould from surfaces. By the Australian Museum.  

Further assistance


Q-Dis: Queensland Culture and Heritage Disaster forum

An online forum for sharing information on disaster preparedness and planning for anyone volunteering and working in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, Records, Heritage and Keeping Places.  

Blue Shield Australia

An international organisation, working to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and natural disasters.  

M&G QLD Consultant & Supplier Register 

M&G QLD’s Consultant and Supplier Register is a comprehensive list of museum and gallery sector specialists, both Queensland-based and nationally.  

Directory of conservators

The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) directory of conservators in private practice lists over 65 members in Australia.

LPG Fire Australia 

A leading supplier of inert and synthetic gas suppression systems, water mist and spray systems, fixed foam systems, oxygen reduction systems and speciality detection systems.  


Find related funding in our Grants & Philanthropic funding resource.

Donations for disaster and pandemic recovery

In recent years, M&G QLD has been encouraging donations of $2 or more to its tax-deductible Donation Fund to support our work in disaster and pandemic recovery, including clean-up efforts, conservation materials and services, staff and volunteer training and well-being programs.

Resources are correct at time of publishing. Is there a resource that should be on this page? Let us know.


Ben O’Dwyer

Information Officer, Museums & Galleries Queensland

Photo: Baim Hanif, courtesy of Unsplash.

Education & training

Each year, M&G QLD compiles a list of education, training and professional development opportunities for people in, and aspiring to work in the museum and gallery sector.

Education, training & professional development

In this resource, education and training opportunities are grouped by availability within Queensland and outside Queensland, including courses available via distance mode. Written by Museums & Galleries Queensland.

Document updated: December 2021

Services we offer

Museums & Galleries Queensland delivers workshops, seminars, networking events and conferences for the sector in all of our major program areas: sector development, training and professional development and exhibition development and touring.

Useful resources

Australian Copyright Council – Training

The Australian Copyright Council represents the peak bodies for professional artists and content creators working in Australia’s creative industries and Australia’s major copyright collecting societies.

P: 02 9101 2399
E: [email protected]

Australian Government – study assist

Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.

Australian Government – job outlook

Job Outlook can help you make decisions about study and training, your first job, or the next step in your career.

Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material – Events and webinars

The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) is the professional organisation for conservators in Australia.

Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA)

The Australian Museums and Galleries Association is the national professional organisation and peak council for museums and public art galleries in Australia.

P: 02 6230 0346
E: [email protected]

Creative Partnerships Australia – Professional development

Creative Partnerships Australia provides artists and arts organisations with the tools, skills and resources to flourish. From fundraising programs and opportunities for business partnerships, to practical campaigning tips and capacity building workshops.

P: 03 9616 0300

Flying Arts Alliance Inc – Professional development programs

Flying Arts is an arts and cultural development organisation that inspires the appreciation, practice and professional development of the visual arts as a lifetime interest or career aspiration, and a creative life for all Queenslanders.

P: 07 3216 1322
E: [email protected]

The Good Universities Guide

Australia’s largest course comparison website.

State Library of Queensland – Preserve your collections

The State Library of Queensland’s preservation staff use specialised techniques to care for, preserve, and make accessible a range of items according to their use and significance. As well as preserving their own collection, they offer advice and services to Queensland’s regional libraries, other organisations, and members of the public.

Volunteering Australia

Volunteering Australia is the national peak body for volunteering, working to advance volunteering in the Australian community.

P: 0480 258 723
E: [email protected]


Find related funding in our Grants & Philanthropic funding resource.

Resources are correct at time of publishing. Is there a resource that should be on this page? Let us know.


Ben O’Dwyer

Information Officer, Museums & Galleries Queensland

Photo: Mr. TT, courtesy of Unsplash.

Exhibitions & displays

Use these resources to learn the ins-and-outs of planning and delivering an exhibition or display at your museum or gallery.

Interpretation & storytelling


Advice and guides by Museum Galleries Scotland, UK that includes: interpretive aims and objectives; what to interpret, interpretive text, digital interpretation and interpreting your audience.  


These resources by the Western Australian Museum cover topics such as: disability awareness, interpretation policy, exhibition policy, education and public programs, labels in museum exhibitions, lighting in museum exhibits, and exhibition development.

Interpretation policy template 

This template includes keys points to consider when interpreting items in your collection for display. Written by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria) as part of the Museum Accreditation Program, 2007.  

Creating a small exhibition

Creating a small themed exhibition is a great way to showcase a particular story from your collection without having to rethink your permanent exhibition space. This video by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria) illustrates how you can create a small one cabinet themed exhibit, or a series of cabinets to create an exhibition.

Oral History instructional video

Learn how to capture oral histories with an instructional video developed by AMaGA Victoria as part of the Veterans Heritage Project.

Oral History Toolkit

This resource was developed in collaboration between AMaGA Victoria and Museum Victoria, and is based on Museum Victoria’s Oral History Kit, 2014.

Exhibition labelling

Your label will be read by people without any prior information and by those who are well versed on the subject, so choose language that is clear, concise, integral and avoids jargon. Museums and Galleries of NSW has provided a factsheet of what to consider.

Writing text and labels

This information by The Australian Museum provides an overview of visitor behaviour, exhibition and text development based on a literature review.

Exhibition planning and label writing 101: top tips

This article is an interview with North Carolina Museum of Art, USA curators Jennifer Dasal and Caroline Rocheleau who give their top tips on selecting works of art for exhibition and writing labels about them.

Exhibition logistics

Exhibitions: a practical guide for small museums and galleries 

A step-by-step guidebook on how to initiate, manage, and deliver an exhibition. This book will assist small museums and galleries and includes a comprehensive list of all the documentation templates you will need to deliver exhibitions to museum standards. Written by Georgia Rouette, Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria), 2007.  

Exhibition basics 

Follow these basics by Museums Victoria to put together your museum or gallery setting.  

Curatorial toolkit: a practical guide for curators 

This toolkit is designed primarily for emerging curators. The toolkit is meant as a recommended practice guide – a suggested framework from which curators may create their own working practice. Published by 2010 Legacies Now, Canada.  

Condition reports: the essentials 

There are several different types of condition reports and many sorts of condition reporting forms, some of which form a component of a cataloguing system, others that have been designed for specific uses or collections. Resource by Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Loans factsheet

This factsheet by Museums & Galleries of NSW covers: permanent and long-term loans, record keeping, loans register, loan agreement forms and parties involved.

Loans for exhibitions

Given that the value of the subject matter of the exhibition loan agreement will often be high, it is essential that the contract be simple to understand and that it carefully and precisely articulates the parties’ intentions. This resource by Simpsons Solicitors covers the legal implications of loans for exhibitions.

Installing exhibitions: a practical guide 

An invaluable guide for all students, artists, makers and craftspeople – anyone in fact who exhibits or displays their own work, or the work of others. By Pete Smithson, 2010.  

Handling, transportation, storage and display 

Learn how vulnerable objects are when they are being handled, know the ideal conditions for storing and displaying mixed collections of objects, and understand the need to protect objects from fluctuations in environmental conditions when moving them from one climatic zone to another. Resources by re:Collections.  

Working with artists

Artworks: getting permission 

This information sheet is for people who want to use photographs, paintings, drawings, book illustrations, cartoons, graphics on websites and other artworks. Information by Australian Copyright Council, 2019. 

Putting works online: FAQs for artists and arts organisations

Arts Law of Australia has put together answers to some of the most common question’s we’ve received from artists and arts organisations. This edition focuses on putting work online. 

Public art guidelines for artists and commissioners

The following guidelines may help creators and commissioners of public artworks avoid conflict and misunderstanding both during the commissioning process and for the life of the work. Guidelines by Arts Law of Australia.   

Contracts: an introduction 

Contracts can be confusing to get your head around. This information sheet by Arts Law of Australia is an introduction to contract basics. 

Artist contracts and agreements

The agreement or contract is the legal document between an artist or owner of an artwork and a borrowing institution, or between an exhibition organiser and the host venue. Resource by Museums & Galleries of NSW.

Touring exhibitions

Travelling exhibitions: a practical handbook for metropolitan and regional galleries and museums 

Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran to travelling exhibitions, an individual or an organisation, this comprehensive guide will take you step-by-step through the planning, standards and practice of putting an art or museum exhibition on the road. By Sara Kelly, National Exhibitions Touring Support Victoria, 2002.  

Touring exhibitions

M&G QLD manages a high-quality touring exhibitions program to provide access to contemporary visual arts practice for regional and metropolitan communities.

Are you interested in touring an exhibition, do you want to hire an exhibition for your venue, or are you seeking advice? Get in touch with our Exhibition Development and Touring team.

National Exhibition Touring Support 

This website features an online directory of available touring exhibitions from across the country as well as exhibitions on the road.  

Basics of touring an exhibition

A travelling exhibition is a great way for your exhibition to be seen by thousands of visitors across the country. Museums & Galleries of NSW has compiled a list of things to consider before your show goes on the road. 

Touring of exhibitions

This resource by Simpsons Solicitors covers the legal implications of touring exhibitions.

Further assistance

M&G QLD Consultant & Supplier Register 

M&G QLD’s Consultant and Supplier Register is a comprehensive list of museum and gallery sector specialists, both Queensland-based and nationally.  


Find related funding in our Grants & Philanthropic funding resource.

Resources are correct at time of publishing. Is there a resource that should be on this page? Let us know.


Ben O’Dwyer

Information Officer, Museums & Galleries Queensland

Photo: Victoria Kure Wu, courtesy of Unsplash.

Collection management & care

Each object in a collection has its own special care needs. Use these resources to learn how to effectively store, catalogue and manage your collection.

Collection management

Thinking about: collection policies 

This document is for small to medium museums, but contains information pertinent to public art galleries and Aboriginal keeping places. Written by Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Collection policy template 

This template can be used as a reference, either to compare with an existing document, or as background reading for preparing a new document. Developed by Association of Museums and Galleries Australia (Victoria), 2014.  

The small museums cataloguing manual: a guide to cataloguing objects and image collections 

This edition has been revised to include guidance on using cataloguing software on computers, ‘how to’ examples of worksheets and a list of useful resources. Published by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria), 5th edition, 2021.  

Significance 2.0: A guide to assessing the significance of collections 

This publication aims to help collecting organisations, collections professionals and the broader public to determine the significance of cultural and heritage objects. Published by the Collections Council of Australia, 2009.  

Significance in a nutshell

This resource, produced by Victorian Collections provides an introduction to Significance, highlighting the four primary criteria (Historic, Aesthetic, Scientific and Social) and five comparative criteria (Provenance, Rarity, Representativeness, Condition, Interpretive Capacity). Resource updated 2021.

Purposes and policies 

Learn to write a mission statement and collections policy for your museum, gallery or library. By re:Collections (page 7). 

Collection management

These resources by the Western Australian Museum covers such topics as: interventive conservation, preventive conservation, accessioning, disposal, loans, policies, finance, and disaster planning.

Collections management 

Advice and guidance from Museums Galleries Scotland, UK, that includes: the importance of research, disposal, human remains in museums, etc.  

Condition reporting 

Condition reporting is a valuable tool for managing collections. This guide offers a systematic approach to reviewing the condition of items in your collection, as well as a consistent framework, and a set of terms for making useful reports. Published by National Services Te Paerangi, New Zealand, 2010.  

Collection surveys and condition reporting 

Understand the value of examining and recording the condition of your collection and individual items in the collection. By re:Collections (page 39). 

Protecting movable cultural heritage 

In Australia, national and foreign cultural heritage is protected by our laws. Australian cultural property objects are significant to the nation’s identity. It is important all cultural heritage items are imported and exported legally. Fact sheet by the Australian Government.  

Preventive conservation

How to develop a conservation plan for a community museum

Conservation is a real issue for small organisations that look after heritage, art and other cultural collections. Working with limited conservation resources can be easier if you know about relevant conservation practices, and have policies and plans that draw on appropriate information and advice. Published by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria), 2006.  

Conservation planning 

Museums and galleries have a responsibility to care for their collections, and part of the effective care of your collection is – knowing what the risks to your collection are and having a plan that outlines how you are going to minimise these risks. Updated by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria), 2019.  

Preservation planning for large collections 

This information guide explains how preservation planning determines how to care for the collection now and into the future. Guide written by the State Library of Queensland, updated 2022.  

Conservation and lighting

This info sheet covers the steps to take to reduce light damage to collections and displays such as reducing the amount of visible light, reducing the time of exposure and eliminating non-visible radiation. Written by Scottish Museums Council, adapted by Australian Museums and Galleries Association (Victoria), 2003.  

Technical preservation handbook

Written by the National Film and Sound Archive, this handbook covers a wide range of preservation subjects including film construction, identification storage and damage.

Acquisitions and deaccessioning

Acquisition fact sheet 

This fact sheet takes you through the formal process of obtaining legal possession by purchase, donation or through bequest of an item. Fact sheet by Museums & Galleries of NSW.  

Acquisitions and significance

Knowing the significance of an object can help institutions set priorities for work programs and the allocation of resources. Resource by re:Collections (page 27).

Deed of gifts form 

You can use this template to document the transfer of ownership of donated objects. Template by Museums & Galleries of NSW. 

Australian best practice guide to collecting cultural material 

This guide describes the ethical and legal issues that museums, galleries and libraries need to consider when they acquire or borrow cultural material. Published by the Australian Government, 2015. 

Collections rationalisation 

Watch this short animation to begin the first steps in organising your collections. Uploaded by SHARE Museums East, UK, 2015.  

How to collect the history of your area

Written by Manitoba Historical Society, this resource suggests some materials to collect that illustrate the story of your local area. To be used by historical societies as a starting point.

Disposal toolkit: guidelines for museums 

This toolkit provides detailed advice on the process of identifying appropriate items for disposal, and ensuring that their removal from a museum collection is ethical. Published by Museums Association, UK, 2020.  

Deaccessioning and disposal 

This fact sheet takes you through the process of deaccessioning and disposing of objects in your collection. Fact sheet by Museums & Galleries of NSW. 

Collection care, storage & handling

Caring for collections

These demonstration videos include such topics as: how to house your collection; how to store your collection safely; how to safely handle your collection; and care of textiles and metals. Resources by the State Library of Queensland.  

Looking after your collections 

These information guides offer advice on preserving and storing your precious items. Guides include: paper-based items; books and bound material; parchment; photographs; digital prints; magnetic media; motion picture film; and preservation planning for large collections. Guides by the State Library of Queensland.