Safe Space
contemporary sculpture
Safe Space brings together three-dimensional art works by twelve contemporary Australian artists that explore psychological aspects of physical space.
About the exhibition
Safe Space features a range of figurative elements and narrative themes with social, and sometimes political, resonances. Many of the works in this exhibition take as their point of departure: the human body, its dimensions, the spaces it occupies, the narratives that contain it and the theatre or spectacle that unfolds around it.
Approximately every four years, Museums & Galleries Queensland (M&G QLD) develops its own touring exhibition to fill gaps within the national touring exhibition circuit, informed by extensive industry consultations with its Queensland constituency.
Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Alex Seton, Claire Healy + Sean Cordeiro, David Cross, Franz Ehmann, Karla Dickens, Keg de Souza, Michelle Nikou, Rosie Miller, Tim Sterling, Will French.
Safe Space education resource
Panel discussion
A panel discussion with 8 of the artists in the Safe Space contemporary sculpture exhibition and Curator, Christine Morrow, presented at Logan Art Gallery on 30 November 2018.
Safe Space artist Abdul-Rahman Abdullah discussing his work in the exhibition
Safe Space artist Alex Seton discussing his work in the exhibition
Lego Monster Workshop with Sean Cordeiro
Join ‘Safe Space Contemporary Sculpture’ artist Sean Cordeiro in this freestyle Lego Monster Workshop and learn some fun building and design tricks.
Tour dates
Safe Space contemporary sculpture was an initiative of Museums & Galleries Queensland developed in partnership with Logan City Council through Logan Art Gallery, and curated by Christine Morrow. This travelling exhibition was supported by the Visions regional touring program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to cultural material for all Australians; the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland; the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory governments; and the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
Exhibition Development & Touring
Museums & Galleries Queensland