M&G QLD publications
M&G QLD‘s publications inform and support the sector as well as advocating on its behalf by providing leadership, building awareness and communicating the sector’s value to local, state, and federal government, stakeholders and audiences.
National Public Galleries Alliance publications and research

Australian Public Galleries Snapshot 2019
Collates the data of 170 of our country’s estimated 434 small-to-medium public galleries. Published in 2021 by M&G QLD and PGAV on behalf of the National Public Galleries Alliance.

Australian Public Galleries Snapshot 2018
Collates the data of 197 of our country’s estimated 408 small-to-medium public galleries. Published in 2020 by M&G QLD and PGAV on behalf of the National Public Galleries Alliance.
source: news, information and resources
This M&G QLD newsletter is published three times per year and provides updates on M&G QLD programs, events, and services, along with Queensland sector news.
Would you like to start receiving source? Sign up for free here.
M&G QLD annual reports
Download M&G QLD’s annual reports for information about activities, Staff and Board members for each year.
Annual statistics reports
M&G QLD collects statistics from Queensland’s 400+ public galleries and museums across the State, capturing data on annual visitation, staffing, volunteers and exhibitions.
167 public galleries and museums (including statutory bodies) responded to the survey.
Read the report2018
161 public galleries and museums (including statutory bodies) responded to the survey.
Read the report2016-17
145 public galleries and museums (including statutory bodies) responded to the survey.
Read the reportM&G QLD’s sector publications and research
A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries
This publication aims to assist the sector to make informed decisions around viable, economically and environmentally sustainable methods of exhibition practice and collections care by identifying appropriate technologies, products and systems.
Download the resourceA Case Study on Lighting for Museums and Galleries
This resource contains five real-life examples to assist museums and galleries when upgrading or replacing their institution’s lighting systems.
Download the resourceEnquiries
Ben O’Dwyer
Information Officer,
Museums & Galleries Queensland